
October ended with trivia, concerts, wine nights, oddly nice weather, and of course fall foliage. Here are a few favorites from the remainder of October.

The best of October:

T V | Inspired by my recent trip to Japan and at the recommendation from my friends, our house dived into the world of Terrace House. The Japanese cult classic follows six individuals who live together and viewers witness how they interact (low key Bachelor meets Big Brother minus the cheesy games and challenges). That’s it. Sounds weird, and I was reluctant to watch too, but it’s well worth it. Watch the wholesome show on Netflix and become as obsessed as we are.

T U N E S |  Add SG Lewis and Gianni & Kyle to your music libraries. I saw SG Lewis at the end of the month in concert and he was so fun and humble. We somehow managed to meet him after the show and talk about music and the coolest spots in Seattle. Gianni & Kyle are a hip hop/rap duo on the rise, with an arsenal of songs in their repertoire. Also, if you need more new songs, here’s what I’ll be listening to in November.

S T Y L E |  Soleil dragged me to Nordstrom (sort of, we had agreed on it) and we instantly went to the shoe department. Subsequently, we each had multiple pairs of shoes in our hands to try on. I ended up buying Blondo Booties. They’re comfortable, waterproof, and cute!

P O D C A S T | I’ve been into podcasts lately, mostly listening to them as background noise while I work. With it being the spooky season, I started with My Favorite Murder hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, two LA-based comedians fascinated, nay obsessed, with murder. Karen and Georgia discuss various murders mixed with their own anxieties and witty banter. Though it is a bit crass, I always find myself laughing at the ridiculousness. If murders aren’t your thing, listen to NPR’s acclaimed Serial series. Season 3 follows the Cleveland court system accompanied with the twists and turns of the judicial system.

S E A T T L E   S P O T | Since I’m now working remotely, it’s given me the chance to scout out the abundance of coffee shops in the area. Stone Way Cafe, Miir Flagship, Zoka Coffee Roasters, Retreat are in the Fremont and Green Lake area. Each of them has awesome specialty coffee and spacious tables perfect for getting work done.

Bye October!

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