2016 // Update 1
Hello, I'm back from a little hiatus.
Well, not really a hiatus, I've been prioritizing school a bit more and other obligations which I will discuss on this post! [I also ran out of space on wordpress, so i'm working on upgrading.]
First off, Hi! It's been a while, I haven't posted anything since my travels to Los Angeles for a weekend and spring break in Utah and Colorado, which were ah-mazing. It was great to see my family, whom I had not seen since the holidays.
Spring quarter kicked off and it has been a sprint since week 1. It is hard to believe that we are already at the beginning of week 6...time is flying. This quarter I'm taking last the class in the Physics series, Physics Lab, Physiology, Art History: Museums, and FIGs. FIG stands for freshman interest group, a fall class for first year students to acquaint them with resources on campus and the university in general. I'll be teaching one in the fall and this class is preparation for that!
It's a full load, but nothing I can't handle. In addition to school, I've also taken on a JOB! I work down at a Pike Place Market (dreams to come true) at a chocolate store called Indi Chocolate. We're one of the only bean to bar makers in Seattle! I'm mainly selling things in the store, but it's such a fun atmosphere to be working in and the Indi team is composed of the best people who have welcomed me with open arms.
With that, I'll be staying in Seattle this summer and working at the shop! If you happen to be down a Pike, come pay me a visit (and buy some chocolate too!). In addition to work, I'll be taking two classes over the summer quarter to ensure I graduate on time.
You may recall that at the beginning of the year I had made a few goals, well now it's time to check in and see what progress (or lack there of) I have made.
Sleep for 8 hours a night // Nope. This is always a struggle, even though it shouldn't be. Overall, I have improved from previous years and truly aim for 8 hours. The reality though is somewhere between 7-7.5 hours. Not bad, but not good. I think I can do better. I'm going to test out the sleeping tracker on my Fitbit and consistently measure my progress. Hopefully at my next check-in I've improved.
Drink the recommend daily amount of water // No. Another, fluctuating goal. On some days I achieve it and other days I barely drink a glass of water (bad, bad, bad). Again, I think I'll test out the Fitbit water tracker (side note: this seems like an ad for Fitbit, it is indeed not; Fitbit if you happen to be reading this please sponsor me). I think I'll focus on nailing down my sleep patterns first and then move onto this goal.
Run a half marathon // Lol nooooo. The first step is signing up for a half marathon. I have not done this. If you have recommendations or want to run one with me, please please do tell. On a more positive note, I've been running more and more. Slowly, and I mean slowly, I've built up my endurance. If I don't happen to achieve this half marathon goal, at the very least I'd like to get to place where I can easily go for a 4 mile run (and not feel like I'm dying).
Pick a new major // YES YES YES! I did it!! I changed my major!!!!! At the beginning of the year, I was very unhappy with my Biochemistry major. I didn't feel like it was a good fit for me nor was I supported by the Biochemistry department. Throughout winter quarter I talked to various departments and advisors and ultimately settled on applying to Biology to which I was accepted! Now I'm pursuing a BS degree in General Biology and still doing my Art History minor. The biology department is awesome and there's a wide range of opportunities. I am much happier with my education.
Find a mentor // Unfortunately, no. I was having this discussion a while back with a friend and it seems as though we live in a time when there are very few individuals willing to take someone under their wing and help guide them on their path. This is a generalization, and by no means am I stating that these individuals don't exist. In my experience, there are very few and they are gems hard to find. With this idea in mind, I've taken it upon myself to try and mentor younger peers and provide them with the advice I wish I would have had when I was starting college. This is also a major motivator for why I wanted to teach a FIG. Having a mentor isn't essential to success, but it is a helpful factor. I'll remain optimistic, and in the mean time, take opportunities, be vulnerable and put myself out there, and focus on hard work.
Travel to two new places in the world // Yes? Sort of. Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to spend the weekend in Portland with my friend Soleil. I had previously been to Portland, however it was a quick drive through. So I guess this counts...Utah is also on this maybe list. On our big PNW road trip a few years ago, we drove through the northern part of the state via Ogden. This trip we basically went from the eastern side to the western side and covered the southern part of Utah. Now you see what I mean by "sort of". I'm pretty satisfied with these travels, although there's so much to explore! Still remaining on my list are Vancouver (which I've also technically been to), Las Vegas (definitely) been, but not as a 21 year old!), Kansas City, Nashville, and Austin. I'd like to travel to a new country this year, but the feasibility of that is, uh, well, not feasible, unless I do Canada. Regardless, I'm thankful for the opportunity to travel, it is one of my greatest joys.
Avoid using my phone at the table // Sort of. Sometimes I flat out forget and other days I'm quite mindful about it. It depends on the situation and location of my meal. At restaurants, I'm completely hands off (except when snapping a picture of my food, I'm a sucker for Instagram and great presentation). I think I use it the most when I'm eating at home. Once again, a work in progress, although it is not my highest priority. This goal will take full effect later on in the year.
Keep a monthly budget // Ehhhh. I thought personal finances were a breeze (and they definitely can be) but for me they're not. I have improved (thank goodness proclaims my bank account) but I'm tempted by all of the rad restaurants in Seattle. I'm a foodie, and it's once of my biggest weaknesses. Moving forward, I'm trying to make a set budget for the month (well in advance) and stick to it. It also use an app called Mint to manage all of my accounts which has been pretty good so far. I'm also attempting to motivate myself by saving up for a big post-graduation trip...hopefully that'll keep me in line.
Post weekly on the blog // Yeah...mostly! I've done fairly well this year with posting, I'm pleased with myself. So far, I'm only 4 weeks behind and it's 18 of the year. I can definitely catch up! Sometimes I get major writer's block and have no idea what to write, especially if I haven't done anything interesting in a while. To remedy that, I'm currently working on making a schedule which will give me more direction. Overall, I'm happy I've been able to keep up with writing posts and doing something I enjoy, especially with a busy schedule.
Learn how to make lumpia and other traditional Filipino and Italian dishes // Not even close. Wow I have not made any strides on this one, which is disappointing to me. I will say that I've been extremely better at cooking for myself and packing a lunch as opposed to buying it on campus. I suppose this means I need to call my grandparents, get some recipes, whip up some awesome food and throw a dinner party.
Thanks for reading! Also, please hold me accountable for these goals, I'd appreciate it. And I appreciate you! Let me know if you want me to hold you accountable for something.
Like I said before, times moving fast. After this quarter which will be over in a 4 short weeks, I'll be a SENIOR. How did that happen that fast? In merely one short week, I'll be 21 years old. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN SO FAST?? Stay tuned for more regular posts!